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Category: New York 811 News

Programa de Capacitaciรณn y Educaciรณn para Excavadores de New York 811 

Desarrollado para educar a operadores, excavadores, contratistas, municipios y organizaciones sobre la importancia de la excavaciรณn segura y la protecciรณn de instalaciones subterrรกneas en el estado de Nueva York. Este programa describe la informaciรณn importante requerida para asegurar que los excavadores entiendan su responsabilidad en la aplicaciรณn de prรกcticas de excavaciรณn seguras, para proteger a los trabajadores y a la comunidad circundante.

Registrar aquรญ:
Cรณdigo: NY8112020

New York 811 has translated our FREE, highly-effective Excavator Training & Education Program in SPANISH!

New York State law requires all excavators and member operators receive safety training and excavation through their designated Notification Center. Our online training course satisfies the requirements for this law and NOW, excavators can take the course in Spanish and provides the same personalized, dated card which includes a five-year expiration date and certificate to provide their company with proof of program completion, as English test-takers receive.

New York 811 Excavator Training & Education Program 

Developed to educate operators, excavators, contractors, municipalities and organizations about the importance of safe digging and the protection of underground facilities in New York State. This program outlines important information needed to ensure excavators understand their responsibility in safe excavation practices, in order to protect workers and the surrounding community.

Register Here:
Code: NY811

Already registered? Click here:

New York 811

Non-Compliance Reporting Form

If you witness an alleged Code 753 violation, please fill in as much information as possible and submit to New York 811. Upon submission, New York 811 will forward your allegation to the NYS PSC. Additionally, New York 811 will forward this Non-Compliance Form to the Company committing the alleged infraction (less your contact information).

Tolerance Diagram